Where Is It Legal to Own a Bobcat

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The Arizona administrative code states that it is illegal to possess non-domestic dogs and cats, primates (except non-infant primates which are free of zoonoses), alligators, crocodiles, poisonous snakes, and many others. Special permits may be issued to specific individuals or groups to keep these animals if the application falls under the categories of education, public health, commercial photography, wildlife rehabilitation or wildlife management. Issues wildlife ownership permits. Permits are only for one year, must be renewed annually. Class III is for feral cats. Bobbcats are endangered native species, but can be legally owned in captivity with proof of legal birth papers. Must provide a health certificate for the animal possessed, escape a recapture plan, pay a $10.00 fee and have the cages inspected by the conservation officer. Provides cage requirements that include: concrete floors should be covered with a natural substrate, rest platforms, 14-foot-high walls with a 45-degree slope can be used when there is no roof, etc. Persons authorized by the USDA as commercial exhibitors, zoos, or distributors are exempt from this state permit and its requirements. In Indiana, a person can own almost any pet, from skunks or raccoons to foxes, cougars and even lions.

All you need is the right permit. A.R.S. §17-306 restricts the transportation, sale, and possession of non-domestic animals. People who break the law can be charged with a Class 4 crime. Restricted animals that fall under the law are listed in state regulations. R12-4-406 contains a fairly complete list of prohibited animals. The restricted fauna includes many different species, including tigers, jaguars, lions and other big cats. There are no limits to hunting bobcats. Although Arizona has strict laws regarding the ownership of exotic animals, hybrid cats are legal. Prohibits the keeping of wild and exotic animals, including: Any member of the Felidae family not native to Oregon, with the exception of the species Felis catus (domestic cat). It is the policy of the State to protect the public from risks to the health and safety posed by exotic animals to the community, to ensure the health, welfare and safety of exotic animals, and to ensure the safety of facilities where exotic animals are kept in order to avoid undue physical or financial risks to the public. A permit is required for the keeping and breeding of exotic animals.

A person may not keep an exotic animal in the state unless they hold a valid permit from the state Department of Agriculture for that animal issued before January 1, 2010 or issued under ORS 609.351. A person who keeps an exotic animal in the state is not allowed to breed that animal; a person may not keep an exotic animal in the state for more than 30 days after a permit expires, is revoked or suspended; a person may raise a small exotic cat if they: is exempt from approval requirements under section 609.345 of the ORS; or breeds a small exotic cat with a member of the species Felis catus (domestic cat) and the person has a permit from the State Department of Agriculture in accordance with ORS 609.351; and the person provides written documentation, including a business licence, attesting that the person raised the animals for retail sale of the offspring (“little exotic cat” means a member of the Felidae family, with the exception of the species Felis catus (domestic cat), which weighs 50 pounds or less at full maturity. [formerly 609,319] Exempt: Wildlife rehabilitation centers operated with a valid permit from the National Fisheries and Wildlife Commission in accordance with ORS 497.308; a facility operated with a valid license or registration for research facilities issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the Federal Animal Welfare Act of 1970 (7 U.S.C. 2133 or 2136); An exotic animal welfare organization, including humane societies and animal shelters, registered under Chapter 65 of the ORS, that houses an exotic animal for a period not exceeding 30 days at the written request of the state or a government agency; a law enforcement agency; an accredited veterinary clinic or clinic. Neither bobcats nor lynx can be traded, sold or bought in the state of Oregon. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife issues a permit for bobcats, but it is not legal for Oregon residents to sell bobcats. The F&W department issues a license for commercial wild animal breeders for cougars.

Bobcat hunting is legal. It is legal to own a savannah cat, but not a serval. Georgia`s Ministry of Natural Resources describes illegal animals as naturally dangerous. This classification includes kangaroos, primates, non-domesticated dogs, non-domesticated cats, crocodiles, alligators, elephants, bats, piranhas, air-breathing catfish, Gila monsters, cobras and other venomous snakes. If you want to have a capuchin monkey as a pet, a special permit is required. You do not need a permit for sugar gliders or ferrets. Domestic rabbits and small rodents are also allowed without permission, with the exception of hedgehogs. It really freezes my cookies that in states that prohibit the possession of a bobcat`s pet it`s not illegal to kill them for sport. Yes, in this “land of the free”. LOL, what a joke. The exotic species listed below cannot be kept as pets in Georgia, unless otherwise stated, this list includes all types of carnivores.

Most exotic cat hybrids, such as a savannah cat, are not a legal pet in Georgia. Bobcat hunting is legal. How can you call yourself a veterinarian and make these statements in favor of keeping wild animals as pets? They spread untruths. “Hand-raised animals are simply not the same animals that roam in the wild, so bobcats are not `wild.`” This is the most ridiculous statement that is not based on any form of science or fact. What a dangerous statement. Do your research. Talk to wild cat sanctuaries like the famous Big Cat Sanctuary, which rescued several bobcats previously kept as pets. What a disservice you do to responsible pet owners.

This site should be ashamed to give a voice to such a pathetic misdescription. Coyotes, wolves, tigers, lions, non-native bears and great apes are prohibited under South Carolina law, except for those possessed or registered before January 2018. You need a permit to own bison, foxes, raccoons, bobcats, beavers and deer. You don`t need a permit to own monkeys, reptiles, amphibians, parrots, tropical fish, rabbits or small rodents like gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs and mice. The most important thing to consider is the impact it has on their quality of life, and I don`t think for a second that this is a sign of poor well-being in my dog. A 1 acre enclosure seems like a very reasonable amount of space for a wolf, where do you get that information that it drives them crazy? Show me an example. Requires a permit to possess the endangered native species, the bobcat. Authorisations for zoological, breeding, scientific and educational purposes.